HA-thentic Power – What is it?

After a couple of years back in the states, I fell even deeper into I began flirting with the idea (or actually), maybe actively pursuing would be a better way to describe – a professional businesswoman life.

Dressing the part, receiving the promotions & bonuses & of course, buying the house with a 3-car garage & a pool by myself…

Whoa! What was I thinking?

That’s the problem. I was thinking too much & feeling too little. Numbing through business, wine & gossip.

So, I made a shift in companies, walking away from a big private office & taking a pay cut aiming to align myself more with my values & passions.

But it followed me. It haunted me. Be better–Make more money–Travel more–Work longer hours–Drink more wine–Feel even less.

Sometimes the circumstances we think will be perfect in every way turn out to be a terrible fit & we move even further out of alignment & away from integration. These experiences are/can be the toughest because our EGO will fight us HARD on this one to actually let go of the life we had planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

It is a stripping away. A stripping away of titles, of offices, salaries, benefits. It is a stripping away of social acceptance/approval. It is a stripping away of denial.

And when it’s all peeled away, we are standing with ourselves in an open sea of possibilities. This, my friends, is what true freedom feels like.

This is home & we get to decorate it in any way that suits us. We are the creators of our experiences. We just have to make a choice.

I choose to create. I choose to create a bountiful, abundant & radiant life. I choose to honor myself; to manage myself.

Sometimes I wonder. I wonder what the future will hold & where I’ll decide to grow. But then, I come back to the present moment, allow myself to feel & know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment.

I take a deep breath to breathe it ALL in & savor this gift (that’s why we call it the present) & let it all out with a great big, satisfied HAAAAAAAA! ❤
